Portal 2 walkthrough chapter 5
Portal 2 walkthrough chapter 5

portal 2 walkthrough chapter 5

Once you are all caught up, use the lever next to the door leading south. You have a new companion as well if you want to inspect his abilities. Open the nearby chest and return to the campfire. You will see the wealth symbol on a wall on your left (R3) (secret 4/14). Once you are in the room, go east past the campfire. Stunning or grounding them is just perfect. This time they have no immunity, but high evasion so avoid spamming high energy attacks on them. Use it and go on the main path leading to a big room and a campfire. Exit this area and return once more to the lantern filler. They don't hit hard at all, so don't worry. The chest contains another recipe and a fight against 4 undeads, who are immune to poison and control effects.

portal 2 walkthrough chapter 5

Portals are marked on the map, with their opening order. Repeat the process while looting a chest on your way (after portal P3), until you reach another chest at the end (after P4). Each pressure plate activates a portal, so step on the only one available and go through the newly opened portal. You will reach an area with pressure plates and portals. Take the other path and go down the stairs. You will reach a fork, so proceed ahead and turn right for the power symbol (R2) (secret 3/14). Use the lantern filler again, and continue on the main path and go through the secret wall shown the map (SW) (secret 2/14). Use it and return to the starting tile for a recipe (R1) (secret 1/14). Continue until you reach the lantern filler. Use the lever to unlock the door and grab the chest behind it. Follow the path until you reach a "roundabout".

Portal 2 walkthrough chapter 5